Friday, August 14, 2009

Have I found the missing puzzle?

I like Greensboro I really do, but there has been something missing since I have been here. My people. Those that call me family. I don't mean Carl and the kids, I mean the people that love me for me that aren't related to me. My friends people who call me or text me just because. Invite me to dinner or lunch. Ask me to come over because they are pissed off and need to vent. Someone for me to cry on when I'm pissed off at my boyfriend or smack him for me when he is being an ass. Well with in the last year I have been finding MY PEOPLE. I feel that I have found the main person in every gay mans life the one person who keeps him grounded and picks his sorry but up when he is being to much of a Drama Queen!!! I have found a new FAG HAG. My Fag Hag. Not taking away from my other really good female friends but most are so far away. The few I have here only get one aspect of my life but this Empress, just in the few hours we have talked, has gotten me so well it is not even funny. She can even read my mind. We look at each other and know what each other is thinking. Granted it usually is pornographic but still....

Well off to take the pills to keep the headaches away and get some sleep. I have gay mans therapy at 9AM and do not want to look haggered when I see my hair stylist tomorrow morning.



Crochet Goddess said...

Well it is so nice to see a post from you it has been a long time. I hope you are having a great summer.

Kenny said...

Hey, nice post. Thanks for the add on